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PM Modi announces rooftop solar scheme. How to apply? Check step-by-step process

India’s Rooftops Go Solar: Modi Unveils Ambitious Plan for “Free Electricity”

PM Modi announces rooftop solar scheme. How to apply? Check step-by-step process

Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a bold initiative on Tuesday, aiming to transform India’s rooftops into miniature powerhouses. The PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana, translating to “Sun Home: Free Electricity Scheme,” promises to illuminate 1 crore households with the power of the sun. This ambitious project, backed by a hefty investment of over ₹75,000 crores, holds the potential to revolutionize India’s energy landscape.

Echoing Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s announcement in the Interim Budget 2024-25, Modi outlined the scheme’s key features. By installing rooftop solar panels, beneficiaries will generate their own clean electricity, significantly reducing their dependence on the traditional grid. The icing on the cake? Up to 300 units of free electricity every month, effectively translating to significant savings on their electricity bills.

But the government’s generosity doesn’t stop there. To incentivize participation, the scheme offers substantial subsidies directly deposited into beneficiaries’ bank accounts, easing the financial burden of installing solar panels. This approach not only promotes clean energy adoption but also empowers individuals to take control of their energy needs.

The PM Surya Ghar Yojana holds immense potential. It tackles multiple challenges simultaneously: reducing dependence on fossil fuels, promoting energy security, and empowering citizens. Moreover, it creates new job opportunities in the solar installation and maintenance sector, boosting the economy.

With its focus on affordability, accessibility, and sustainability, the PM Surya Ghar Yojana is a game-changer. It has the potential to not only illuminate millions of homes but also pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for India.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the PM Surya Ghar Yojana

Step 1

Register in the portal with the following:

  • Select your State
  • Select your electricity distribution company
  • Fill in your electricity consumer number.
  • Enter your mobile number
  • Enter your email

Step 2

  • Login with your consumer number and mobile number
  • Apply for the rooftop solar as per the form

Step 3

  • Wait for your feasibility approval
  • Get the plant installed by any of the registered vendors in your DISCOM

Step 4

  • Once installation is completed , submit the plant details and apply for net meter

Step 5

  • Commissioning certificate will be generated from the portal, after installation of net meter and inspection by DISCOM

Step 6

  • Once you get the commissioning report. Submit the bank account details and a cancelled cheque through the portal.
  • You will receive your subsidy in your bank account within 30 days.

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